Institute of Innovation
The business of growing flowers, greenery, trees, and vegetables and of planting them in the landscape is commonly called the green industry. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) focuses on crop yields when it measures the green industry. It looks at horticulture — the growing of garden plants, vegetables, cut flowers, and potted flowering plants and of seedlings, cuttings and other propagative floriculture materials. The USDA also assesses the production of nursery crops, such as conifers, deciduous trees, ornamentals, Christmas trees, and fruit and nut plants.
from: Clemson Cooperative Extension
Program Courses
Introduction to Horticulture
The Introduction to Horticulture course is designed to be an introduction to the Horticulture pathway. This course includes organized subject matter and practical experiences related to the culture of plants used principally for ornamental or aesthetic purposes. Instruction emphasizes knowledgeable and understanding of the importance of establishing, maintaining, and managing ornamental horticulture enterprises. This course is a prerequisite for nursery, greenhouse and garden center technology and landscape technology.
Agriculture Science and Technology
Agriculture Science and Technology is designed to teach essential concepts and understanding related to plant and animal life including biotechnology, the conversation of natural resources, and the impact of agriculture and natural resource utilization on the environment. Emphasis is placed on the role of agriculture in our society and the importance of agriculture to the welfare of the world. Basic personal and community leadership and safety, and agriculture mechanical technology are included as a part of the instrument program. Each student is expected to design and participate in a supervised agriculture experience. Typical learning activities include hands on learning experiences including preforming basic principles of plant, soil, and animal science.
Nursery, Greenhouse, and Garden Center TechnologyPrerequisites: Agriculture science & Technology and introduction to horticultureThe course in nursery, Greenhouse and garden Center technology includes organized subject matter and practical experiences related to the operation and management of nursery, greenhouse or a garden center. Typical instructional activities include hands-on experiences with propagating, growing, establishing, and maintaining nursery plants and greenhouse crops; tissue culture techniques; designing landscapes; preparing designs; sales analysis and management; participating in personal and communityleadership development activities; planning and implementing a relevant school-to-work transition experience; and participating in FFA activities
Agribusiness and Marketing-1 unitPrerequisites: Agriculture Science & Technology and Introduction to HorticultureThe course in Agriculture Business is designed for the student who plans to seek employment on, manage, or own a farm; or seek employment in an agribusiness field. Students will be involved in learning activities that generally prepare him/her apply economic and business principles involved in the organization, operation, and management of the farm, ranch, or agribusiness. Students will participate in FFA activities.
Job Opportunities
$32.73/hr -- $68,090/yr
Produce crops, livestock, and dairy products.
Ground Maintenance
$15.49/hr -- $32,220/yr
Ensure grounds are attractive, orderly, and healthy.
Agriculture Scientist
$33.09/hr -- $68,830/yr
Improve efficiency & safety of agricultural places & products.
Landscape Architect
$33.96/hr -- $70,630/yr
Design parks & other outdoor spaces.
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